Lock in your seat at
By purchasing a membership for 2024 and holding it in 2025, you automatically go on our priority list to choose your seat in Te Kaha.
What is the Te Kaha Crusaders Priority Waitlist? The waitlist is our way of acknowledging the loyalty that Crusaders fans have shown while we wait for Te Kaha, to be built in Christchurch. The waitlist is in numerical order based on when you purchase, and is available to all those that purchase a Crusaders membership product (seated or non-seated)
How do I know where I am on the waitlist? We will advise you on the 31st Jan of each year, of your position on the waitlist, via email. Your position on the waitlist is determined by the order in which you purchased your membership in, starting as of 2023/2024 memberships sales.
How can I redeem my seat in Te Kaha in 2026? We will advise you in early 2026 of how you can select your seat based on your position on the waitlist.
What happens if I buy in 2023/2024? If you buy in 2023/2024 you will automatically be added to the waitlist, however, if you don’t renew your membership for 2024/2025, you will lose your place on the waitlist. The best way to retain your place, is to renew your membership year on year until 2026 when the stadium is expected to be completed.
What sort of membership do I need to purchase? You will be eligible to join this waitlist if you purchase any of the Crusaders non-seated or seated membership options.
What happens if Te Kaha isn’t completed in April 2026? It won’t change your position on the waitlist, it just means that the benefit will be unlocked once we have a clearer picture of Te Kaha’s completion date.
What you can expect We will communicate with you about your position on the waitlist at the end of January, and we will advise you of your position on the waitlist yearly until the stadium has been completed. Once Te Kaha has been completed we will advise you of how you can unlock that benefit in Te Kaha.
Terms & Conditions
This waitlist is open to individuals who meet the specified eligibility criteria, which may include date of membership purchase/renewal and any other requirements determined by the organizer.
Participants must purchase a Crusaders membership product, either online, in person or over the phone with a Crusaders representative.
All membership categories and products are eligible to be included in the waitlist.
The membership must be a paid membership and complimentary memberships are not eligible.
Waitlist Requirements
The organizer reserves the right to remove any member that is offensive, inappropriate, or violates the terms and conditions from the waitlist. The decision of the organizer is final and binding.
Notification of waitlist
Members will be notified via email from the Crusaders on the 31st January of each year to confirm their position on the waitlist.
If you do not receive confirmation by that date, and you believe that you meet the eligibility criteria, please contact the Crusaders at membership@crusaders.co.nz
The waitlist does not enable members to access hospitality options, and excludes access to premium hospitality options, including the Open Corporate Reserves, Function Lounge Membership and Corporate Suites.
By purchasing a membership and therefore being eligible for the waitlist, entrants grant the organizer the right to use their names, likenesses, and submitted materials for promotional purposes without further compensation.
Personal information collected through transaction will be used solely for the purpose of administering the waitlist, as well as the Crusaders Membership Programme and will be handled in accordance with the organizer's privacy policy.
Termination and Changes
The Crusaders reserves the right to modify, terminate, or suspend the waitlist at any time without notice.
The Crusaders may make changes to the terms and conditions if necessary, and such changes will be effective upon notification.